Registration Information

課餘班:學費五個月共$470(減 $50優惠讀中文班)
★美術班: 學費五個月共$210(減$20優惠讀中文班)
★電子琴: 每学期$200(分初、中、高级组),每组50分钟。
★鋼琴 小提琴(個別授課): 學費30分钟 $30, 45分鐘收費$40, 60分钟$50
詳情請電話聯繫: 617-728-0089


(一)中文班(暨南大学编写教材): 普通话(国语)、简体字、汉语拼音

星期六或星期日上课小时。从预备班起至九年级(K2 G9)。 由大专院校或以上学历教学经验丰富的教师任教。

中文班一学期(五个月)学费$350元, 习作
纸张费$20, 书簿费全学年20元。凡直属
兄弟姊妹, 由第三位起, 选读中文班学费减

(二)课余班:K1 G 6(中英双语)

星期一至星期五 3:30pm — 5:30pm 学期(五个月)学费$470, 习作纸张费$20。上课地点: 波士顿昆士公立小学。

Harvard Kent School乘校车之学生,选读本课程有专人接带。教师辅导完成公立学校家庭作业 ,附设英数补习及中国文化课程。

兼读中文班一学期优惠$50 由精通英语普通话广东话, 教学经验丰富教师任教。在读大学生及波士顿公校高中生担任助教。热心义工辅助。


培养学生的阅读兴趣, 提高其英文水平, 加强数学理解能力。课程分、四五年级。

(以辅导PARCC考试为主, 小组授课)。逢星期六上课三小时。每学期(五个月)学费$400,习作纸张费$20 。由波士顿公立学校资深教师任教。


<1> 美术班: ( 分初高级组;每组1小 )

星期六或星期日上课。 学期(五个月) 。 学费$ 210,习作纸张费全学年$25。 由教学经验丰富、具大学艺术专业学历的教师任教。

<2> 钢琴班 /小提琴班:

星期六或星期日上课。个别授课,每课时30分钟$30,45分钟$40,60分钟$50。 由在读或毕业于纽英伦音乐学院、波士顿大学博士生,富教学经验、有爱心和耐心的教师任教。
兼读中文班一学期优惠$ 20
<3> 电子琴班:分初高级组;每组50分钟

逢星期日小组授课。一学期(五个月)学费$ 200。 由音乐学院毕业,富教学经验的教师任教。
兼读中文班一学期优惠$ 20
(五) 假期班:

分圣诞假期班二月假期班四月假期班 由一至星期五9:00am~6:00pm。学杂费详见当期通告。 由大专院校或以上学历,富有教学经验的老师任教。

. 上课及办公时间:



3.星期六 1:00pm-4:00pm

4.星期日 10:00am-1:00pm


English Version

Each class and its description are provided below. All classes are held at Josiah Quincy Elementary School.
(1) After-school Class
Class tutors will assist students in accomplishing Day School homework, as well as provide tutorial in English, Chinese Culture, and Mathematics. Bilingual in Chinese/English
Monday – Friday, 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm
Tuition Fee: $470 for five months (Additional $15 per semester for class material)

*Please specify if your child attends Kent Elementary School as transportation and pick-up services are provided for the After-school students.

Will be available only to the K2 – Grade 6 students registered in our After-school program.

(2) Chinese Language Class (k2-G6)

Students are enrolled in Elementary School level Mandarin language and Simplified Chinese writing
Class materials are written by China Chinan University. Available to students from Kindergarten to Grade 6 Saturday and Sunday

(3) All Middle Chinese Classes (G7 -G9)

Students are enrolled in Mandarin pronunciation and Simplified Chinese writing
Class materials are written by China Chinan University

(4) English and Math Tutorial Class

Goal is to enhance reading and Math skills in Grades 1 to 5 students with a focus on PARCC exam preparation
Students are tutored in small groups by senior teachers from Boston Public Schools
Saturday and Sunday
Tuition Fee: $435 for five months (Additional $15 per semester for class material)

(5) Arts Class

i. Drawing
Primary, Middle, and High levels, 1 hr per class
Saturday and Sunday
Tuition Fee: $210 for five months (Additional $25 for class material)

ii. Piano/Violin
One-to-one teaching by instructor from New England Conservatory
Saturday and Sunday
Tuition Fee: $30 for 30 min, $40 for 45 min and $50 for 60 min.

iii. Organ
Primary, Middle, and High levels, 50 min per class
Sunday group sessions by experienced instructor graduated from School of Music.
Tuition Fee: $200 for five months (Additional $15 for class material)

(7) Enrollment in all Chinese Classes

Tuition Fee: $330 for five months (Additional $15 per semester for class material)
Class Books: $20 per year
The first and second members from a single family pay full enrollment tuition, while the third and following pay half of the tuition.
Students also enrolling in an Arts Class will have a $20 tuition deduction.

Discount can’t combine and can only apply once per semester.

All our teachers have a Bachelor Degree or above.

Office and School Hours

Monday to Friday 3:30 pm – 5:30 pm
Saturday 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Sunday 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Closed on Public Holidays

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One thought on “Registration Information”

  1. Elaine M says:

    Good Morning

    When does the registration for 2016-2017 begin??

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